Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Story About My Two Little Rabbits

Assalamualaikum everyone! How do you do today?
Are you ready for another story about animals? Here I go.
Two weeks ago,my father bought me a pair of rabbits.I named them Wahid and Isnani.
Dear friends,Wahid is a male rabbit from Lion Head species.He has long black fur around his head like a male lion.
He's favorite food is carrots.He also like to hide under the cupboard and hop around.
Unfortunately,I have a terrible news after school.He dies.He dies in 26 September 2011.I am so sad.I still remember him until now.On the other hand,Isnani is a female rabbit from English Spot species.She has white fur and black spot's around her eyes,ears and the back of her body.She loves to eat cabbages but she likes to eat dried grass the most.She loves to explore something or anything around her.Somtimes,she hops very fast untill my house gate. STOP! Isnani!Both of them hate shower.They also very sensitive to heat as they will gt sick if there are exposed to heat for a long long time.
The End...
P.S: Wahid is a pet rabbit and Isnani is a wild rabbit.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ask Me Everything!

Do You have question ? If you have question that you don't know the answer,write down the question in the comment box.The question must about insects or animals or science or everything else execpt math!



Monday, August 1, 2011

Yahoooo...! Ramadhan is coming back!

Yahoo...!Ramadhan is here!(again).That means Hari Raya Adilfitri is coming here too.I cannot wait for this moment,this month is the holy month.It is great because devil is been tight with strong,metal rope.That will make them don't disturb us when we are doing something like solat.That's for today and Happy Ramadhan Everyone for the people live by Islam and a little firework to celebrate and a riddle..lot's lot's lot's what is a flower that when we pour water on it it dies..What flower is it?

If you know the answer, write it in the comment box.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bot fly..A bot can fly?

Hello! Last week My teacher, Miss Azwanee was taught me about biology(But I am still a primary student). She taught me about slimy worms and Bot flies in our body! YUCK! It's a super duper disgusting and...Oops sorry,this is Qayyum messages:Wow,the larvae movement is cute but scary!

PS:Find the bot fly in YouTube

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Unlucky Day For Muiz (my little brother)

Today is an unlucky day for Muiz.My parents,the triplets and me went to Hutan Bandar for a quick exploring and jogging after dropping Qayyum at his golf club at Johor Golf and Country Club.We want to jog all around the park.Triplets and I want to go to the nearest playground.When I arrived at the playground,I saw a sign that says "Awas Ada Penyengat Di Sini!"

Suddenly, Muiz cried and called my mother.My parents rushed to see what has happened to Muiz.When my parents arrived, they all shocked to see that Muiz has been stung by the PENYENGAT!(in English, I think it is called the "WASP" as shown in the picture).My father told Muiz to stay calm and I said to my parents,"Oh, that's why the children don't want to play at this playground. It is because they already know that there are a lot of wasp here."

After a while, Muiz stopped crying.My family and I walked to the next place.I saw Indian girl and boy were playing at the playground where Muiz has just got stung.Suddenly, the Indian girl screamed loudly to call her father.I already knew that she was also being stung by the wasp.After that,my family and I continued jogging until we arrived at the lake.My father wanted to feed the fish as he saw a boy feeding the fish with fish food.My father gave RM 2 to buy the fish food from the lady that were selling it. Triplets and me shared the fish food and feed it to the fish in the lake.

Suddenly, Muiz's right leg was in the water, his jogging shoes were wet and his trousers were dirty.My father was angry at him.Poor Muiz.He always gives trouble.By the way everyone, can you guess why the wasp doesn't sting me while I was reading the sign of Penyengat at the playground?

It is because I covered my aurat by wearing a tudung. If I didn't wear the tudung, I must have been stung like Muiz and the Indian girl! yOuch!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Tall Clients

Hello, Up There!Today I will tell all of you about the tallest mammal in the world.Yes, you know it.It is the giraffe.

One famous storyteller said that the girrafe used to look like other grazing animals in Africa,but then it spotted the fresh leaves on some high brances.It reached and reached, streched and streched, thus ending up with a very long neck.

However, many scientists think the giraffe is taller than all other mammals,feed where no others can and therefore has distinct advantage.

An adult giraffe can be as tall as 9 feet[6 m] and weigh up to 2 800 pounds. with a long neck, it can also see its enemies[like lions] from a long distance away.

Tall Pumpkin

Hello There,friends!Today I want to tell you all about the tallest pumpkin in the world.Do you believe me? Look at the picture up there!.Ops!sorry everyone. I can't find the picture of the tallest pumpkin in the world in the google images but it is real!Please believe me! OK, good that you all believe me now.Thanks.
The pumpkin that is 1.2m tall was discovered in Henan,China.It was named "tall"pumpkin.From bloming to maturing, the pumpkin took 36 days to grow.It's not that long .

Double work,Double headache.

Arghh!... Why ?! ME,Aineen,Irdina and my other friends had to do two scarpbook.One is about KH or Kemahiran Hidup and the other one is KT or Kajian Tempatan.Last month I or we all do an English scrapbook with Teacher Azuanee.We got in the first place and we got a note book.This time we must do the other two scrapbook .Aineen and Faqihah always go to Kalam Jamaie.Lot's of work...I'm so tired all ready.. I want to faint.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Creapy Mosquitos.

Hello there... this is a short discovery about mosquitos.... The female mosquito sucks blood but the male mosquito sucks nectar or plant fluids..

This is the male mosquito....and up there is the female
mosquito.....creapy huh!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Tail of the Foxes

The Swift Fox....

The Gray Fox....

The Kit Fox.....

The Fennec Fox...

The Arctic Fox...

Hello again! Now I want to tell you all about foxes! That's my favorite animal. He Ha!

Foxes belong to the Canid Family and they included such species as red fox,kit fox,white fox,fennec fox,arctic fox and gray fox.

Foxes tend to light brown,reddish,grey or dark brown in colour,except for the arctic fox,which is pure white in winter.

Every foxes have a long and bushy tail called "brush"and a pack of foxes called the "skulk"

Foxes are carnivores.That means they eat other animals.Their favorites are rodents,rabbits and small birds.

A fox's hearing is so sharp that it can hear a watch ticking 40 yards away.


Foxes leaves traces of foul smell in surrounding areas of man-made traps to warn

others of impending danger.

The Wolf.

The Foxes' enemy.....

The lifestyle of foxes:

Foxes live in tree holes or under ground burrows.Foxes look for food at
dusk andreturn to their dens at the break of dawn.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The fierceful Gorillas!!

Hi there! Today I want to tell you all about......GORILLAS!!!!.He he he.

Ok here we go,

The fierce appearance of the gorilla gives the impression that it wild and ferocious.The gorilla is actually quite docile.It only attacks when it is treatened.

The gorilla feeds on fruits and tree barks but never has a gorilla been known to eat human flesh.Gorillas are large but gentle apes that live in Africa.Each gorilla has unique nose print just like we have unique fingerprint.Gorilla's hand are very much like ours.They have five fingers, including a tumb.They can grasp things with both their hands and their feet.

Althought,gorillas are frequently described as dangerous killers,they are all shy and peaceful animals.Some gorillas have been taught sign language by people and some gorillas have learned how to form simple sentences to communicate with people.Gorillas are mostly vegetarians.They forage for food in the forest during the day.They eat leaves,fruit,tree bark,plant bulbs and flowers.


1. Grasps: Take something quickly and hold it firmly.

2.Docile: Quiet and easy to control

3.Ferocious: Fierce and violent

4. Forage: Go from place to place searching food.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm a Pet Lover!

I've lots of pets at the bottom blog.I pet panda,rabbit,hamster,bat and spider!We also can give them foods.Anyone can take care of it!

But,here's requirements to take care of it.

  1. Must be above 3 years old.

  2. Don't give them too much food.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Save the Earth from Plastic bag!

Hello kids!Oh,what happen here?So many rubbish!It must be the work of a plastic bag.Look all this stuff!Container,net and a chair!This will going to flow to the sea and kill billions of marine animals.How can we do to stop plastic bags?

Say no to plastic bags and yes for reusable bags.

Save the Earth!If not.We'll get a global warming.We all gonna die!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Great Day At School

Today was a fun day at school,I want tell you about my biodata.Today I went to class 4 Arif but not the same teacher.I my class teacher is Mrs.Siti Fatimah she teach Melayu and Kajian Tempatan.I like her but she came once in a while.when she cannot come to class other teacher come in. That's for today.See you later.