Saturday, July 16, 2011

Unlucky Day For Muiz (my little brother)

Today is an unlucky day for Muiz.My parents,the triplets and me went to Hutan Bandar for a quick exploring and jogging after dropping Qayyum at his golf club at Johor Golf and Country Club.We want to jog all around the park.Triplets and I want to go to the nearest playground.When I arrived at the playground,I saw a sign that says "Awas Ada Penyengat Di Sini!"

Suddenly, Muiz cried and called my mother.My parents rushed to see what has happened to Muiz.When my parents arrived, they all shocked to see that Muiz has been stung by the PENYENGAT!(in English, I think it is called the "WASP" as shown in the picture).My father told Muiz to stay calm and I said to my parents,"Oh, that's why the children don't want to play at this playground. It is because they already know that there are a lot of wasp here."

After a while, Muiz stopped crying.My family and I walked to the next place.I saw Indian girl and boy were playing at the playground where Muiz has just got stung.Suddenly, the Indian girl screamed loudly to call her father.I already knew that she was also being stung by the wasp.After that,my family and I continued jogging until we arrived at the lake.My father wanted to feed the fish as he saw a boy feeding the fish with fish food.My father gave RM 2 to buy the fish food from the lady that were selling it. Triplets and me shared the fish food and feed it to the fish in the lake.

Suddenly, Muiz's right leg was in the water, his jogging shoes were wet and his trousers were dirty.My father was angry at him.Poor Muiz.He always gives trouble.By the way everyone, can you guess why the wasp doesn't sting me while I was reading the sign of Penyengat at the playground?

It is because I covered my aurat by wearing a tudung. If I didn't wear the tudung, I must have been stung like Muiz and the Indian girl! yOuch!

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Hola ! #saynicewordsplease