Thursday, May 3, 2012

Another Funny Joke.

One day,a boastful man comes to a restraunt."I have a talking dog."said the man to the owner.The owner said,"What's your proof!Don't be so boastful."."Just tell some questions to the dog."said the man.

Owner : Okay,What is the thing that are up the house?
Dog : Roof! Roof!
Owner : What is the thing that covered the tree?
Dog : Bark! Bark!
Owner : How the road feels like?
Dog : Rough! Rough!

"You are lying!Go out from my place!"said the owner.The owner chase the boastful man and his dog out of his restraunt.Suddenly the dog said,"Which question did I answer wrong?"

Explanation : The real thing is the owner is questioning the dog with answers that sound by all dogs.Why the owner doesn't say other questions?To proof that the dog cannot talk.Hope everybody understand it.Assalamualaikum..^_^ 

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Hola ! #saynicewordsplease