Sunday, September 7, 2014


At Gakko,just now..I got 3 strucks,not by the lightning of course .. kinda like a little spark in me..that make me sooo frustrated not like a nice gentle's a stab ! 3 times..

yeshh,,,daikirai ! hate it..and all of it were bad ! 

ichi, my shoes are ... gone.. my brand new shoes, my otosan just bought it last or 2 months ago ! :'( it's the second time !.I suspect that the same person did it...but hey why she just took my shoe ?! there are 7 other shoes that had the same brand like me..but.. WHY !! X( I'll write my name real BIG to feast her eyes when i found my shoes back..hmprff..

ni, they had the horrific thing today and Im been shamed ! of course,you all know that I totally love to draw,,it's my hobby,,but the teacher showed to my classmates and called me to throw it been ambushed..well, it's a spot search stuff in pupil private bags and show to people that these are prohibited,,hibited ..nanana~ is drawing prohibited? are you serious? im just dissapointed very just made me kill my creations but not my HOBBY..gaahh,,,me and TGV were so..STABBED because we both love to embarrassed the artistic kind of peoples..especially weeaboos and otakus !..

san,i just put my note book for notes and my math teacher just came..she's the discipline teacher..and she saw the drawings in my bookk..and said "you're drawing again?!" ...eerr,,im actually gonna put it in the bag..arghh,,everybody look at us ,, TGV and me ! aiyaya~ why !? life sucks..KO//

Well,,life always like that..survive or game over..and you can't restart so keep goin'//

gambate ne~ Chillax hna and hang out with ur tomo dachi ! :D


  1. Still frust bout tadi, but.. like you said, survive or game over.

  2. I love to draw.. unfortunately.. its always turn out bad.. ahahaha..

  3. It's ok Jungkyo'll turnout good if you practice hard..:)


Hola ! #saynicewordsplease