Friday, August 3, 2012

The Master Of The Gliders.

Flying Squirrel       Today in Han's Animal Planet,we are going into a nutty world.The world of squirrels,we will learn a species of this unique
        Flying squirrels are interesting rodents.Although,they are called flying squirrels,actually they can't fly like birds do.They can only glide from a high place to a low one.
        The flying squirrels will climb to a high branch of a tree and glide down to a lower level.In this way they can escape from their predators very quickly.
         Even though they have the ability to glide out of danger from their enemies,they are considered protected animals under threat of extinction because they have too many enemies,one of which is man.
        Flying squirrels have a common habit of defecating or pooing outside the holes where they make their home.Because of this,droppings of flying squirrels can be spotted near holes where they live.

         Ok,this is for today,because it almost iftar.Ta-ta-ta!


  1. Thanks for copying me with the Knowledge thing....:-|

  2. Sorry,for making you upset..I also felt sorry for your special hawk moth..:(


Hola ! #saynicewordsplease