Thursday, April 17, 2014

Another Peaceful Day at Isuramu kyōto no kōkō no shidō (My School Name translated )

Don't really believe the Japanese word of my school,, I hope it doesn't mean weird things if you can understand,,it.

So what's for today ? Ā..........(that's mean oh yes,,FYI,,)

When our Arabic class,,we learned about making sentence in Arabic..kinda boring I thought..and then the boys start making jokes to light the room up.. haha it's so funny in BM, but when I about to type it here in English ,,well,,it's not funny I gonna type it in BM ,, if you wanna know what the heck I'm typing..go to the translator,,on ur left but I suggest don't because it won't be skip this part ..

" cikgu nk cakap nie,, oi Arif diam lah dah lah pakai braces ,,cikgu tarik gantung kat kipas kang,,"

"Lol,,walaupun braces to trendy tapi anta pki mcm,,, pfffffttt,, (ketawa"

"Ustazah,ustazah,ustazah,ustazah,ustazah.. yer,!!, hi !! "

"ish budak nie rasa nk lempang laju-laju jer,,"

"memang mintak kaki lah budak nie..."

"nie beku,, dlm bhasa  arab..air mula beku..tetiba semua orang nyanyi let it go.. "

" Let it Go !! Let it Go !!, OIII !!  nyanyi pulak.."

"tak patutt,,, "

" err~ ustazah marah ke cakap?? "

sebenarnya ada lagi lupa plak,, setiap hari banin buat lawak..haha .. mcm nk gila dah..

Ok ,that's all ..sayonara.. Lol... ( still laughing...)

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Hola ! #saynicewordsplease