And we are now at KL !! ^_^ My grandma at my mother's side had I MUST WATCH ANIME !!! Unlimited Internet !! Wohoo ! But what should I start first, Guilty Crown, Hyouka, TRC, CCS ,,what? lot's sweet animes !! Or maybe Shiki? my otaku ,friend Sarah said don't ever watch it,,it will give you nightmares ,, - -" really??
I go watch it,,but It's super scary ,dude.. Vampires,Blood,Singing,Violents every where if you want to stay late,I recommended watch it,,best at late night,, here's a clue how tragic is it,,At the last episode ,, the vampire's son show the cut your head off sign.. like putting your hand and swipe across your know what I mean.. \\
But I will start with Hyouka then because I deadly wanna die desire to watch. soo ,,Happy Labour Day everybody !!
Waa~Don't disturb me !! I'm enjoying the moment here !!